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Jennifer Jacoby-Smith

Writer, editor, author, photographer


My story

As soon as I could hold a crayon, I declared to my mother I was going to write a book. The gripping masterpiece featured a worm and his beloved toque – he was Canadian after all – complete with original drawings, also by me. Sadly, it is now out of print.
Thus began my love story with the written word. Eventually, I joyfully discovered others would pay me for my words. I write while calling beautiful Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, home.

Writing is the only thing that when I do it, I don't feel like I should be doing something else.

Gloria Steinem


Current Stories

Watch this space for more information.

Dramatic DJ

Novel: A Fondness for the Reckless

A Ten Past Midnight Story

Indigo Lee arrives in Toronto – the orphan from Saskatchewan – to live with the grandmother he’s never met. He meets Jaxson and the two become best friends. Obsessed with music, after graduation, the pair create a boy band called Ten Past Midnight. After the band’s massive debut album, the group is on the cusp of major stardom. But as they arrive for their first television interview, Indie is a no-show.


Suitcase in hand, Indie is at the airport ready to fly to Los Angeles to sign with another label. As he broods about the conflicts that brought him the point of walking away from his dream, his bandmates reflect on how they came to form Ten Past Midnight as they are interviewed by CBN’s newest entertainment reporter, with an agenda of her own.


Can the two best friends ever mend their relationship after Jaxson’s disapproval of Indie’s sexuality? Can the orphan from Saskatchewan ever find a place to belong?

Coming 2024!

Memoir: Fences Are For People Who Dare Not Fly

The story of finding James Victor, Jr.: Hollywood hairdresser and my dad.

I was 19 when I heard my dad’s name for the first time. I grew up in small town Saskatchewan and always wondered who he was and above all why he wasn’t there. Far away from my small-town upbringing, my dad was a hairdresser in Los Angeles. He grew up in the midst of the glamour of Hollywood. He was a platform artist for Redken, helping to put the global beauty company on the map in 1970s. When I met him in Omaha, he was living a quiet life teaching hairdressing at a small college with the love of his life. How did he get from Hollywood to the Midwest? When he died suddenly in 2015, just six weeks before my mom died, I set on a course to fill in the blanks of my childhood and to get to know James Victor Jr, Hollywood hairdresser and my dad.

Coming soon!

Los Angeles trees

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